Happy July! Can you believe summer’s almost half over? I feel like it’s just starting. Here in New Mexico, monsoon season has started, which is something I always look forward to because you never know what you’re going to get – we had hail a few days ago!

Fallen Spirits Update

The book launch is still slated for August 19th. Yeah! I cannot believe how much work there is to do for the next three or so months!

I’ve just sent the manuscript off for a few editorial reviews, so I’m waiting for the first feedback on the novel. (I’m so nervous!)

I’ve also set up five days of promotion for Rock Gods & Messy Monsters to coincide with the Fallen Spirits release, so if you haven’t gotten Rock Gods yet, the ebook will be 99 cents for a week or so. I’ll let you know when it’s happening.

I think I’m going to discount the Fallen Spirits paperback on Amazon for a few days at launch for you all – I’ll keep you posted on that.

A huge thanks to Heidi Baxter for taking headshots and for also agreeing to photograph the launch event on August 30th (see below). The pics above and below are from her.

The author at large. Photo by Heidi Baxter

Launch Event

Looking for something to do Labor Day weekend?? (I know! But it’s not that far away…) I’m having the official book launch party for Fallen Spirits at The Crow’s Nest here in Santa Fe. From 6-8pm.

We haven’t firmed up the run-of-show yet, but I’m hoping there’ll be some tincture-based, alcohol-free cocktails that tie in with both books, so I’m planning on at least Messy Monsters and Fallen Spirits drinks. (There is alcohol in the tincture base tho – just want to be transparent.)

The plan is to get a selection of recipes together and create a book or download – much more on that later. I’m speaking with the amazing healer and artist Zoe Hippel about getting her healthy concoctions immortalized on paper. More on that to come!

Also – there will be a psychic or tarot card reader at the launch, and who knows what else? Maybe a little food. The Crow’s Nest store itself is an amazing space to check out. And I’ll do a quick reading and probably Q&A with someone.

Please! Come to Santa Fe and join me! You’ll then have the rest of the holiday weekend to go exploring this amazing place.

Cover Reveal

As I just mentioned, the cover for Fallen Spirits isn’t completely done yet – it’s almost there, though, so I’m hoping to have it finished by the end of the week. In the meantime, above is a sneak peak at part of it before anyone else sees it publicly.

Sustainable Table

A quick food tip that is so simple and so logical, I don’t know why I never thought of it! Do you buy natural peanut butter? You know, the kind where the only ingredient is peanuts, but the oil separates and the peanut butter is usually like a rock?

Well, all you have to do is turn the jar upside down a few times. I kept mine in the cupboard before opening, and every now and then when I went to get something, I would turn the glass the other way around.

Nothing leaked, and I probably didn’t need to turn the jar over so much, but I just opened it – and there was peanut butter! I only had to mix it for a few seconds. No more oil on top and a hard mass underneath.

How simple is that?

Desert dreaming…. Image by Thinkstock for Canva Pro

Thank You

That’s it for this month. I’m so incredibly busy that I hope you understand my brevity (for me, at least….) Let me know if you can help with a book review and would like an advance copy of Fallen Spirits

And as I mentioned in the last newsletter – if you’d like to be an alpha reader for book 3 – The Journey Home – just let me know. I want to give it one or two more edits, but I’ll be looking for initial readers probably in September/October.

Enjoy July and all the sunshine it has to bring!


Adopt Don’t Shop! More puppy cuteness from Espanola Humane!

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