Rock Gods & Messy Monsters Out Now

Rock Gods & Messy Monsters Out Now

I’m ecstatic to announce that Rock Gods & Messy Monsters was officially released today and is now on sale on Kindle and online retailers. It’s definitely up on Amazon, though other sites might still be processing it. It’ll be there soon if it’s not already....
Next Draft w Diane Hatz Zine #2

Next Draft w Diane Hatz Zine #2

As summer winds down and we begin to head into fall, I’m gearing up for a busy season. Rock Gods & Messy Monsters launches on September 7th and there’s still so much work to do. I’ll be at the Dent conference in Santa Fe from September 11 – 13. And I’ll be...
Higher Self – Do You Have One?

Higher Self – Do You Have One?

Let’s start with the answer. Yes. You have a Higher Self. Everyone has a Higher Self. What follows is my interpretation and belief after years of studying and thinking about this. If you feel differently, please share below. It’s not easy to describe with...
Next Draft Zine – August 2022

Next Draft Zine – August 2022

I’m proud to announce the worldwide premiere of the Rock Gods & Messy Monsters official pre-release trailer! You’re seeing it here first. Let me know what you think! (video removed) The video was created by the amazingly talented Kri Pelletier. She...