A huge thank you to everyone who volunteered to be an advance reader for Fallen Spirits – I greatly appreciate your help!
The book is currently on NetGalley for two months in order to get reviews – and the cover had fourteen “likes” in just a few hours its first day there. Wha??
The reason for this brief, inbetween newsletter – I wanted you all to see the cover of Fallen Spirits before I start promoting it publicly.
Ta-dah! Let me know what you think. I think Robin from My Custom Book Cover did an amazing job.

For any of you in the New Mexico area, I’ll be tabling at the sci fi & fantasy convention Bubonicon in Albuquerque on Friday, August 23, and Sunday, August 25th.
If you’re in the area, please stop by and say hello! You don’t even need a ticket to get into the vendor area.
And if anyone would like to hang at the table for a bit on either day, I’d love some company!
I’ll be back in a few weeks with info about the book launch – fingers crossed it goes smoothly!
And, as always, thanks for your support.
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- Facebook and Instagram – @dianehatz.author
- Twitter – @dianehatz (I don’t use it much anymore though).