Alex Has a Bad Day – Chap 1, Part 2

Alex Has a Bad Day – Chap 1, Part 2

This is the second installment of my Rock Gods & Messy Monsters analysis. You can read my first article explaining the first couple of pages here. Synopsis Alex’s boss Langley shocks her to get his morning coffee. He had electrical shock chips implanted into...
Rock Gods & Messy Monsters – Chapter 1 Part 1

Rock Gods & Messy Monsters – Chapter 1 Part 1

My book Rock Gods & Messy Monsters was released September 7 on Amazon KDP/Kindle (paperback and ebook). The paperback should also be on Barnes & Noble by now, with other online outlets coming onboard any day, if not already. Over the next few months, I’ll post...
Rock Gods & Messy Monsters Out Now

Rock Gods & Messy Monsters Out Now

I’m ecstatic to announce that Rock Gods & Messy Monsters was officially released today and is now on sale on Kindle and online retailers. It’s definitely up on Amazon, though other sites might still be processing it. It’ll be there soon if it’s not already....
Ready. Set. Wait! Is that a Typo?

Ready. Set. Wait! Is that a Typo?

My book Rock Gods & Messy Monsters is slated for a soft launch on July 6th, less than a month away. And, yes, I’m super nervous and stressed because there’s so much to do! Breathe. I announced a few weeks ago that I’ve committed to being a full-time writer for at...
The Benefits of a Book Festival

The Benefits of a Book Festival

I attended the inaugural Santa Fe Literary Festival this past weekend and was surprised at how inspired I felt when I left. I had thought listening to other writers talk about themselves wouldn’t help with my writing because there weren’t any workshops on...