Welcome to Next Draft Zine #3. Once a month, I do a roundup of my writing, work, and other interesting and fun tidbits.

Promotion for Rock Gods & Messy Monsters began last week, and it got off to an amazing start! The book was a “New Releases for Less” feature on BookBub and also reached THREE #1 spots on Amazon Kindle’s “Hot New Releases” – Pop Culture, Pop Culture Music, and Absurdist Fiction.

I started an eight-week virtual blog tour last week, and also took part in a book launch party with The Writer’s Room at Revel (replay below). And to top all that off, I hosted a launch party for the book in Santa Fe, New Mexico (where I live).

Buy your copy today!

One highlight in September was a trip to Las Vegas, Nevada, to participate in the Amazing Comic Con. Not only did I get a chance to table and speak with folks about Rock Gods and my work, I was invited on a panel to discuss being an indie author and was interviewed for a podcast. Even Batman and Robin supported the book!

Signing book in Las Vegas; Batman & Robin loving the book!

In case you missed any articles from September, you can catch up here:

Sharing the stage with two other indie authors at the Amazing Comic Con in Las Vegas

If you’d like a copy of the book to follow along with my pieces explaining the various scenes, you can order:

Paperback (Amazon) for $14.95

Ebook (Kindle) for $4.99. (Free on Kindle Unlimited!)

To order from outside the U.S., use this link.

What do stormtroopers and Elvis have in common? Rock Gods!