I’m ecstatic to announce that Fallen Spirits is now live and online for your purchasing pleasure!
The Fallen Spirits ebook is on sale for $1.99 through August 23rd.
And to celebrate the launch, the first ebook in The Mind Monsters Series, Rock Gods & Messy Monsters, is on sale for 99 cents/99 pence through Wednesday, August 28th.
If you refer bookstores, you can walk into any Barnes & Noble, and I’m pretty sure, any bookstore, and they will order it for you. I spoke with a gentleman in the new Barnes & Noble in Santa Fe, and he said people can order it from them, and they’ll even ship it directly to the customers home. I know! Modern technology….
A couple of editorial reviews have come in—one from the Independent Book Review and one from The US Review of Books. I’ll post the full reviews in a future newsletter.
“You’ll get no other book like this one. Unless we count the first. Imagination knows no bounds—or bowels—in this inventive, high-stakes sci-fi thriller.” – Toni Woodruff , Independent Book Review
“…The author’s intended message is clearly one of female empowerment, solidarity, healing, and redemption.” – Joslyn Vann, US Review of Books

Event Reminder
Just a reminder that I’ll be at Bubonicon in Albuquerque this weekend, August 23 – 25th, and will be tabling the 23rd and the 25th in the Dealer Room. Please stop by and say hello if you’ll be there!
The book launch event is still happening on Wednesday, August 28th, at The Crow’s Nest, 518 Old Santa Fe Trail, from 6-8pm.
Zoe Hippel from Juice Box Elixirs has developed four tincture-based, alcohol-free cocktails for the event – the Mind Monster, Langley, Fallen Spirit, and Messy Monster. I’ve tried one, and it’s a tocktail for the ages (or should we call them tinctails – I think I like that better.) They’ll be for sale at the launch.
We’ll have free scones from the lovely women at Santa Fe Sconery, as well as two psychics who will offer readings (for a fee) – Angelina and one other.
And, of course, a short reading by me, and a Q&A with Rose Huston, the owner of The Crow’s Nest oddities store.
It’s free to attend – please come by if you’re in town!

Indie Publishing
I was reminded again that indie publishing is not for the faint of heart. I had nightmares with Amazon, delayed books arriving, and a zillion other things – so I’m overjoyed that everything has worked out in the end, and the book is available for your reading pleasure.
I’ll fill you in on some things I learned after the dust settles.
Thank You
As always, thank you for supporting my work, whether by getting a book, reading the newsletter, or simply sending good energy through the ether. It’s all much appreciated.
I’m not planning on doing a big promotion until the book series is finished. I’ve decided it’s more important for me to get the next two books done. Book 3, The Journey Home, is currently with some alpha readers who are giving the manuscript an objective edit.
Book 4 (no name yet) is in its fourth edit, but there’s still quite a way to go to wrap up the story.
Happy rest of your summer! More to come!